Not As Crazy As You Think Podcast
Mental Health is attainable for anyone--especially those labeled with mental illness. Join artist, memoir writer, and bipolar psychiatric survivor, Jen Gaita Siciliano, as she challenges our world's current limited understanding of mental illness in interviews with artists, healers, educators and shamans, who offer fresh perspectives on mental health and creativity. Episodes also include Jen's personal writing on living as a bipolar creative, as well as news commentary that exposes psychiatry as an incompatible paradigm with the true landscape of the human mind. If you are ready for a new narrative on the mental realm in a place that celebrates crazy and cool without penalty, then Not As Crazy As You Think is for you!
Not As Crazy As You Think Podcast
On the Polycrisis with Mark McCormack: Psychiatric Coercion, Hegel, A.I. and Saving Humanity (S5, E13)
In the episode, "On the Polycrisis with Mark McCormack: Psychiatric Coercion, Hegel, A.I. and Saving Humanity (S5, E13)," Mark begins with sharing his intimate experience with psychiatry and its oppressive structure. A peaceful protestor of 20 years, while on a hunger strike protesting the polycrisis, Mark describes how the institution overtook his life through forced hospitalization and a list of human rights violations. He speaks of his pressing class action lawsuit, which holds accountable the mental health care system in Canada with potential to go global.
Mark also reveals his passion behind the German philosopher, G.W.F Hegel, whose work may pave the way to creatively and strategically confront head on the polycrisis, which includes climate change, artificial intelligence, and Crispr technology, among others. With the coming AI age and possible reality collapse in our future, Mark addresses the oncoming mental health crisis or possible mass psychosis that may emerge. He believes incorporating Hegel’s philosophy into A.I. research on alignment issues, may help create a benevolent AGI-- the only outcome with which humans can co-exist. Hegel arrived just before modern psychiatry took a more reductionist road, and returning to his holistic and spiritual philosophy may hold the answer for our future. Mark believes in this path so whole heartedly, that he has called out for experts in their fields to unite and claim as a team the upcoming 6 Nobel prizes to legitimize the seriousness of the situation we are currently facing today existentially.
Mark McCormack is a philosophy enthusiast at the University Of Alberta. He is passionate about social justice and led a group named Make Poverty History for many years. His studies have ranged across all religions and systems including the German philosopher G.W.F Hegel. After a few thousand hours studying the Science Of Logic, Mark believes there is a way to create a peaceful revolution and New World Spirit for society which would require transformation of the mental healthcare system. Having gone on a hungerstrike as part of a union initiative of Uber drivers, Mark discovered deep fissures in the system which allowed his human rights to be violated in several ways. His goal now is to make this peaceful revolution a reality to address the escalating mental health crisis arising from reality collapse as the polycrisis continues.
#polycrisis #artificialintelligence #realitycollapse #mentalhealth #mentalillness #Hegelianswhowanttochangetheworld #livingphilosophy #Nobelsurprize
Nobel Surprize (10 hour No Cree Council)
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@spiritpeacefulrevolution3523
Please visit my website at: www.jengaitasiciliano.com
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